Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The backpacking plans.

Although pretty much all of my friends can attest to the fact that I normally don't plan things and just do them, I am now realizing that perhaps the reason I don't plan things is because I go into overdrive when I do. I am learning new things about myself. I have realized that I either need to just let things go out of my hands, or take an overly scrutinizing micro managing approach. I am sure I have a middle ground somewhere, but right now I just can't tap into it.
Right now I am trying to plan our backpacking schedule and a trip to the coast for four days in June, and I am finding it very hard to just relax and not worry about it. It kind of feels like a trip to Disneyland. You either go and try to see everything and go on every ride so that by the end of the day your feet hurt and everyone sleeps on the way home, or you just go with your friends and people watch, possibly go on one or two rides and go home mid afternoon.
Sorry if this is slightly nonsensical. I have been looking at flights, trains, buses, hostels, wikisites and everything else for the past few hours and am feeling slightly perplexed.

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