Thursday, 18 November 2010

The Orsay.

After class today I met up with Laura and Hannah outside of the metro to spend a couple of hours at the Orsay. I thought that it might be free for us, but it was only 5.50 euros so it wasn't too bad. I am not crazy about sculptures but the whole bottom floor was covered in them. It was a lovely picture though because the roof is very high and made out of glass.

We finally got to the impressionists and that was what I really enjoyed. The light colors, the friendly faces and the details forming the farther you got back were great. My favorite were by far the pastels of the clouds by Monet. I think he got it right. Nothing is more simple and more beautiful than clouds on a warm day.

At the back of the hall there was a doll sized working replica of the Versailles cut in half, so you could see the inner workings of the shifting ballroom/opera house, and the various rooms of the Palace. It was very cool having learned about the floor at the palace and coming to the Orsay to see the mechanics behind it.

Museum count: 8

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