Monday, 8 November 2010


Oh, I was just googling for somewhere to develop my disposable camera film in Paris and I came upon a horrendous blog of a teenage girl just posting the same thing over and over again with a million pictures of her in the same pose (overexposed, holding the camera so it looks down over you head).

Anyways, tonight I am sitting here babysitting and really enjoying my chat with my mother. The boys went to bed without a fight and it's great having my mom online because if I want to say something out loud I can, but we don't have to keep up a constant stream of conversation. I don't feel like I am entertaining anyone. :)

Also tonight while I was mulling around online I saw that one of my au pair friends booked a flight back home for Christmas, and how she is counting down until March. I feel so grateful that I have not had a ridiculous urge to count down my time here and am really enjoying this. While I might not always be out and about, I always enjoy just looking outside my window and seeing the city. So glad I have a window, because today it was much too cold to go outside and enjoy the streets. Freezing rain drops and wind chill are definitely not something I am used to. I guess I will need to buy a coat...


  1. Screw Paris. I'm going to trade in my round trip tickets at Christmas to go and enjoy summer in Buenos Aires, Argentina, instead. BRRRRR...

  2. hello monica.. I live in Paris.; I read your blog. You seem fun and nice person. I would like to meet you. Let me know what you think :)
