Friday, 29 July 2011


I have been home in sunny California for approximately 36 hours now, I am practically on PST and yet my computer reads 21h37 telling me what time my body should think it is. I am aware that now my blog should be dead and I should say goodbye for now, but in a desperate attempt to hold on to the tiny bit of attention I get here I have decided that I will do a post of each city that I went to with my sister with any photos I may have gathered through disposable cameras and an impulse-buy waterproof camera.

I am currently dealing with lovely mundane things such as catching up with friends, bonding with my brother, getting haircuts, going to the beach and trying to organize my life for the next year. It's been a while since I have tried to "organize my life," maybe it's better left in the confusing state it is in. It is more interesting.

So much has happened this past month, with any number of things warranting its own blog post, but that just gets tedious so I am going to combine the big things. So this post is a warning, everything that follows will be just a memory, a great memory, but a memory none the less.

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