Sunday, 3 April 2011


Right now I am reading Bram Stoker's Dracula, thanks to Gilert Juane's two euro classical books collection. While reading it there were several thoughts I had in terms of literary devices. (Thanks Valdy and Coghill!) The book is set up in a series of diary entries, newspaper articles, letters and telegrams but it works very well together. Bram Stoker is able to play with different dialects and thought patterns and it is actually a very good read. There are some things I noticed however with this method of writing. I just finished one of the "Diary entries" and the character finished his diary. He said that he was done keeping notes and if he were to start one again it would be a different part of his life and so he concluded with "Finis." While this is only a portion of the way through the book, it gave me the urge to put the book down. Although the story is by no means concluded, because of the very final word in his diary, I put the book down and found something else to occupy my time until the concert tonight.

Another thing that I quite liked, was "King Laugh." An idea brought up by Van Helsing's character, that laughter does not come at appropriate times, that it does not knock on the door, but that true laughter it is in fact the King and will come and go as it pleases. I liked the idea of laughter being in charge, just like when someone is exhausted and copes with stress by laughing, there is no control.

Paris is cool. Still wish I was in Baja.

I am off to go have mint tea and cakes in a mosque. Cheers.

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