Sunday, 13 March 2011

A revival.

For the past few months I have been more or less used to the fact that I live in Paris. When I got home from Italy I wanted to post "Finally home," on my status on facebook but then it occurred to me that I would get in trouble by the people back in California and I would get called out for it. Facebook Politics. But while that sounds cool and everything, in reality it meant that I wasn't excited to see  the Eiffel Tower or anything else "parisien," because it was just everyday life. Thankfully this weekend I was able to relive some of the exciting feelings I had from my first month here. Friday night I met up with the gang and we headed to a Burlesque show in the Bastille Area with all of the bars. Burlesque is something everyone should see while in Paris, but au pairs can't exactly afford a night at the Moulin (apparently the show isn't even that good there). So our British friend told us about a cheap show for 15 euro which included drink, show and dancing afterwards and it turned out great.

We sat on the dance floor and watched men and women perform in a classy kind of way. The audience was half women, half men and although the idea was stripping, it was comfortable and enjoyable. They also had swing dancing and fun costumes. Definitely going back!

To top it all off, when I got home I noticed that the sky was finally clear enough for me to see the flashes from cameras from the top of the Arc de Triomphe, the white lights and even the orange colored flash meant to filter out red eye, something that I hadn't been able to see since last Autumn.

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