Friday night we decided, like all good teenagers in Paris, to stay out the entire night before our flight. We left the appartment with a group of au pairs at one in the morning and took a taxi to a club right by the bus station to shuttle us to the airport. Long story short, two taxi cabs, a long walk and a shuttle with one hour of sleep we got on our RyanAir to Italy for 9€. We landed in Milan and met up with a friend of our friend Letitia who picked us up and took us to Milan. Driving around outside the city center, I was reminded of Mexico, or rather, Tiajuana (in a less extreme situation). But once we got into the city we enjoyed the gelato and the sun. We visited the Duomo in Milan which is one of the fourth largest in Europe and very very beautiful. That night Emily and I took a train into Venice.
Venice, while it was very clear how beautiful it is, was dissapointing. I blame it on the cloudy cold weather and the fact that we had to travel into Venice on a bus each morning from our hostel out twenty minutes away and in the center of a ghost town. I know I should not let it change my perspective of Venice, so I hope to go back whent he weather is warmer and get the Gondala ride I so desperately wanted.
Finally, two evenings ago, we took a train to Bologna, then to Florence where we found our great hostel and where we enjoyed an amazing lasagna dish ( I have pictures of everything down to the lasagna, but once again I have to develop my photos before that can happen). Yesterday Em and I got familiar with Florence and walked around the whole city and we settled down in our hostel where I was excited to read The Merchant of Venice but I was sadly disappointed with it for several reasons, but I wont get into it just now.
Tomorrow morning we leave for Rome and to meet up with our friends from Paris.
Miss you times a billion.