Thursday, 13 January 2011

The Window.

I left class early today because I couldn't focus. We went out last night to the 2 Moulins, the cafe Amelie works at in the movie "Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain," because of their half price cocktails until ten. We didn't stay out too late but regardless it was hard to focus. I finally got my stuff back from Emilie and came back home at 10h45. It has been surprising warm in Paris lately so when I got home I opened my window.

My sister and Kaitlyn are no longer in my room but it is not any cleaner for it. I keep doing loads of laundry and I am about half way there. SO I am sitting on my bed piled with clothes and books and all of a sudden I could hear a cat meowing. Very, very faintly. I looked around for the cat and couldn't find  it on the street below but it made me miss Oliver terribly and it makes me want a cat for my full transition into a premature cat-lady. The cat's meowing had me looking around and I started seeing more birds, hearing seagulls crying and more green outside. I know it is only January and I know it is wishful thinking, but I feel like Spring is coming. It is probably just a tease, with my luck, but whether or not it stays, it is a nice feeling.

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