Monday, 25 October 2010

A long post about my first two days in London. Not a creative title.

So you know all those photos I was promising with my snazzy new camera?

My camera was stolen/lost today and now I am bummed and now there will be no nice photos of me with the Tower Bridge or with Peter Pan's statue. But I have already complained to my mother, my best friend and now my blog so I am officially moving on.

Other than that, my holiday has been going splendidly. I have been staying at Lizzie Strupat's and it is so nice to be with someone from home. When I first saw her I almost screamed. She has been keeping up her creative spirits (I mean, she is going to school for that purpose) and she has been coming out with great work.  I arrived late Saturday night and we stayed up late talking and catching up. Sunday we went to the vintage area to go shopping and we ran into the weekly street market which was very, very cool. Hipsters were selling things out of suitcases and people were selling DVDs for 2 pounds each. We walked past a picket line to go into a vintage store where I bought an adorable dress that hopefully will fit my sister.

Today was my second day in London, and yet I still expected it to be like Paris. I still said "Pardon" on the metro and I still call it the "metro." Yet, it is, obviously, very different from Paris. For example, the metro is called the tube... why? Because it is literally a tube and the car we ride in looks like a giant tube worm. Other differences that are very apparent yet not expected: London is much dirtier, the Thames is mud colored and my eyes sting after a day of tube traveling and walking. London is much bigger, four times the size of Paris. This may be the reason it is so much dirtier and definitely why it takes so much longer to get places on the tube than in Paris. There are many more large buildings here, whereas in Paris, there is one, and it stands out like a sore thumb and everyone hates it. People dress in brighter colors here. People dress warmer here. People speak English here.

Now these might all seem like obvious statements, but all of which have taken some getting used to none the less.

Tomorrow I do a tour of the major sights in London, which I guess I will buy a disposable camera for the occasion. :( and yet :)


  1. I love you I love you I LOVE YOU! Hope it fits.

    LONDON! I'm keep telling all my friends and everyone is super excited for you... Dirty Londoners... haha.

    Don't worry about the camera, worrying is stupid. :)

  2. The dress will probably make Juliet look fat.

  3. Check out Luxemburg Gardens in Paris before winter. The flowers & hedged trees are great! I enjoyed seeing the kids 'sailing' there tiny boats across the large round reflexion pool and the adults playing chess. The French Supreme Couthouse is right there too.
    You should try Inca Mamma's Peruvian Restaurant when you get home again. We liked the 'chicha morada' a soft drink made by cooking purple corn, etc. They also have Inca Cola. Grandpa John

  4. Thanks Grandpa! I have actually been there several times, I really like it there. It's right by the university!

    I will be sure to go there in a years time. You'll have to take me! :)

    Julie, it'll make you look fat.
