As much as you hate to admit it... you love my title.
Anyways, it's hard to keep the familia updated when you don't want to spend too much time on the computer repeating yourself. But, as to where I left off... after my brief introduction to Paris, (which waas completely pictureless because I left my little one at home and was afraid to take out my SLR) we left bright and early for Cannes, in which my family owns a house. We have been here two days and I am starting to figure my way around. Family Life that it, not the city. The first day we spent hours in the pool and I ran around trying to keep the three boys together. Each boy has a different agenda and wants you to play with him, and not the other. But we figured out a sort of routine and It has been getting easier. That night we went out to dinner because we had not yet filled the fridge. The boys were veyr hungry, and therefore, very grumpy. But it was amzing to walk past buildings seven stories high built on cobblestone streets and bustling alleyways where restaurant goers watched the people passing and enjoyed wine. Walking down the street (and I mean down, there was a steep incline) we were stopped by a troop of street proformers who did flips and handstands and somersaults and went meters into the air. After, everyone went on their way without so much as an applause, I was just astounded. (But again, no camera) We ate dinner near the harbor at a ncie restaurant Wanting to be conservative I ordered a slice of 4 frommage pizza. But instead I got a whole personal pizza the size of a dominoes large. It was much thinner so I ate about half, but it was still so much food.
After our beautiful dinner we walked down to the harbor to see the fireworks show. Every Saturday for six weeks, Cannes holds a competition for professionals from around the world who put their show on display set to music. It was one of the most beautiful fireworks displays I had seen because it featured my favorite type. It had shower after shower of large gold explosives, some which would drop and some would twirl in the sky after detonation and it was all very nice. It was like Cannes was welcoming me there.
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